Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 am for worship

Our Identity and Purpose

"We are a community of disciples from all ages and walks of life committed to following Jesus Christ together"

"A Community of Disciples"

A community of disciples simply means  family of learners.  Family means that we prioritize relationships over program.  We are small enough so that each person among us can become known and a knower of the others around him or her.  We value friendship and friendliness.  We are hopefully growing in vulnerability and honesty.  We see ourselves as learners, people who are being daily shaped by God and one another.  We aim to be marked by three characteristics: humility before God, hunger for truth with wisdom and compassion, and honoring attitudes for one another.  

"From All Ages and Walks of Life"

We are a small but diverse community.  While we skew older, there are folks from every generation present most Sundays: infants, children, students, young adults, mid-lifers, and the greying sages.  Similarly we are home to every socio-economic level from the lean to the full.  Though we are majority white, there is yet a beautiful multi-ethnic mosaic slowly forming us into a more full-orbed realization of the family of God.  All are welcome to come and join us as we journey with and toward God together.

"Committed to Following Jesus Christ"

Jesus Christ is the vibrant center of our life.  It is He Whom we passionately worship as God, as the authority over our lives, and as the beautiful example we long to emulate in our daily lives.  We soak up His teaching preserved for us in the Bible, believe in His real presence among us, and trust in His life and death and resurrection to be the sole reality that rescues from all forms of death and shadow.  We are eager to point others to Him as the costly key to the deepest kind of robust and authentic life.


The way that we believe Jesus will be seen and experienced among us is if we love one another the way Jesus loved His disciples.  This is the one command Jesus gave His followers, then and now, and it is our non-negotiable priority to find ways to preserve unity in our diversity, and genuine self-sacrificing love in our relationships with one another.  This is what we mean by together.